Monday, April 18, 2016


It's weird to sit on your grave as a 30 year old. I remember how strange it was to pick our plot, and discuss headstones. We decided to just do a stone for Ana, as it was to strange to have our names on a headstone before we were 30. However, there is no place I'd rather be for eternety than next to my daughter and husband.

I brought my son to visit his sister. He's been there before but usually asleep. We played in the grass, touched the stone and played with her butterfly.

It was very bittersweet, to have both my babies in the same space. It makes me sad that he will never know her. That they won't grow up together. I am happy though that we have this space we can go remember her. I'm looking forward to future picnics and chasing butterflies here with my living children.

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