Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lots going on

Hello blog. So there has been a lot going on.

Baby and I are doing well. I've had two ultrasounds and the intake appointment with the nurse. Ultrasounds went well, baby is measuring on time. Looks like my offical due date will be April 22nd or around there. I see my OB (finally) on Thursday.

My appointment with the nurse didn't go so well. She brought us back, and asked if this was my first pregnancy. (She had my file right in front of her, as well as on the computer). I said no. She then asked if I breast fed my first. I am a very polite person, but nearly lost it when I said "she died". The nurse then looked at the computer and said "oh, it says it right there, fetal demise 36 weeks". She then made the excuse that "I didn't even know I was doing an interview this morning, so I didn't have a chance to read your file". She was non sympathic. I started crying and she said nothing. I WILL be talking with my OB about it. Totally not impressed, and unneccisary. Made me very upset.

Then, to top it all off my Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Yeah. Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst types to get. She's had a biopsy, and it's spread to lymph nodes and major blood vessels. They said without treatment, 6 months. With treatment, 12-18 months. She's starting chemo tomorrow, for three weeks then three weeks of radiation. She's in a fair amount of pain and it is really hard to watch. We're all hopeful that she will get to meet the baby. It just totally sucks. I want my Mom to be able to be a grandmother. I'm not ready for her to go yet.

So, that's about all for now. My life has been very busy and intense. Really for some peace...